About this curriculum

At Widey Court Primary School, our vision is to allow children to develop an understanding of the geographical world around them, starting with our school and the local environment before moving on to explore locations around the UK and then the wider world.


The children will participate in sequences of lessons that will be closely linked to the aims and objectives outlined in the National Curriculum. Children will develop knowledge and understanding focused on the four areas of the geography curriculum:

  • Locational Knowledge
  • Place Knowledge
  • Human and Physical Geography
  • Geographical Skills and Fieldwork

Throughout the year groups and Key Stages, the children’s knowledge and understanding will be reviewed through our ROCKS PowerPoints and then this will be developed further and used in practical situations. Children will be given opportunities to answer the geographical enquiry question at the end of each unit.



  • Understanding the World- People and Communities
  • Understanding the World- The World

The children will explore and create maps of the school and practice following simple directions. They will compare England and China, including looking at New Year celebrations. Throughout the year they will explore the different seasons and how the environment and weather changes.


  • Locational Knowledge
  • Place Knowledge
  • Human and Physical Geography
  • Geographical Skills and Fieldwork

In KS1 the children will explore the local area surrounding the school (Crownhill) before looking at Plymouth as a whole, then compare Plymouth to Cairns in Australia. They will explore locations by looking at the human and physical features present in each area. They will learn to use maps to identify locations including the countries in the UK, their capital cities and surrounding seas, identify key landmarks and practice following directions moving from left, right, forwards and backwards to north, south, east and west. They will explore keys and create maps using their own keys.They will learn the names and locations of the 7 continents and the 5 oceans but also develop an understanding of how the oceans are linked. The children will gain knowledge of how weather and climate changes depending on where in the world you are.


  • Locational Knowledge
  • Place Knowledge
  • Human and Physical Geography
  • Geographical Skills and Fieldwork

In KS2 children will

Whilst fieldwork is incorporated throughout the curriculum, all children will participate in ‘Fieldwork Fortnight’ each year where they will focus on answering a key question linked to our local environment.


Through lesson observations and child interviews, children will be able to demonstrate their increased geographical knowledge and understanding. Fieldwork will show that the children can apply their skills to gather information as well as interpreting data to explain what they have discovered. Book looks and planning security will show a clear sequence and progression of learning across each year group, key stage and the whole school.

This term’s Good Manners Tea Party will take place on Wednesday this week: EYFS / KS1 1.30-2pm and KS2 2.15-3pm. ⭐️
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This week two teams from our netball squad took part in the development and competitive events at Plymouth Life Centre. At the development event, our team won 3/5 games and scored 13 goals!! At the competitive event, our team won 3/4 games and scored 15 goals! The teams represented the school fantastically, showing determination, passion and sportsmanship. We are very proud of them! Thank you to Mrs Hutchings and Mrs Ludlow for coaching the teams and organising this event! ⭐️
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Key handed into the office this morning - found on Widey Lane if it belongs to anyone!
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Don’t forget Bumblebee, Cherry, Buzzard and Saltram classes have a special MUFTI reward this Friday (10th) for being the Phase Attendance Winners for the Autumn Term! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Thank you to our Year 6 classes for a festive Carol Service at St Edwards Church this afternoon! A perfect way to start the Christmas holiday! ⭐️🌲⭐️🌲
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Wishing our whole school community a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Enjoy time with your loved ones and stay safe! We look forward to seeing on Monday 6th January! 🌲⭐️❤️
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Congratulations to Bumblebee, Cherry, Buzzard and Saltram classes for having the best attendance for their phase over the whole of the Autumn Term! As a reward, these classes can wear mufti on the first Friday back in January (10th). Congratulations to you all, especially Cherry class who had the best whole school attendance this term with 97.8%! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Congratulations to the Year 5/6 Girls’ Football Team! Plate winners in their first competitive match this school year! Congratulations! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Thank you Mrs Pomeroy for organising this event!
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Celebrating our Nominees and Winners at our End of Term Awards Assemblies! So proud of each and everyone of you! Superstars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Ahhhhh….it seems Widey Court has had a little visitor tonight! 🌲
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A lost key found on Widey Lane if anyone finds they are missing it! 🔑
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Remembering Bella, especially at Christmas time. Thank you Mrs Irvine 💙🌲
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Our Year 6 Heads, Deputies and Curriculum Leaders have spread Christmas cheer to our community this afternoon, posting plentiful cards written/made by every class! Merry Christmas to our Widey neighbours! 🌲⭐️🌲⭐️🌲
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A few magical moments from our winter wonderland today for EYFS…🌲🎅❄️
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MTA Vacancy! 🍎🥪🍽️ If you are interested in joining our amazing lunchtime team, please complete an application form available on the Connect website. https://www.connectacademytrust.co.uk/vacancies All applications are to be emailed to gdingley@wideycourt.plymouth.sch.uk by the closing date. Please share with any friends or family who may be interested too! 💚💚💚
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The Forest Grotto for our EYFS children today! Magical! …decorated trees, snow, ponies, campfire and FATHER CHRISTMAS! 🎅🌲❄️ Thank you Mrs Maiden and Mrs Dawes for ensuring Father Christmas could land safely and visit the children before he gets too busy!!
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The Christmas Choir sang beautifully at the Lord Mayor’s Christmas Carol Concert today at St Andrew’s Church. We are so proud of you! ⭐️Thank you to Mrs Irvine for organising g this festive event for the choir! 🎶🎵🌲
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Thank you to Mrs Jones and the Year 6 Dodgeball Team who competed in a tournament yesterday! They were amazing ambassadors for the school and deserve a huge amount of praise for their respect, kindness and teamwork! ⭐️⭐️⭐️We are so proud of you!
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Mr Duffy is giving you a reminder to wear your Christmas Jumpers today! 🌲⭐️🌲⭐️
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