Meet our family support adviser Sarah Maiden

Hi, my name is Sarah and I am your Family Support Adviser at Widey Court Primary School.  

I am here to support all of the families at Widey Court.  Please contact me with any questions or issues that you may have, however small, relating to home or school issues.  If I don't know the answer to your query I can find out for you.

I can support you in lots of different ways.  All meetings and discussions with me are strictly confidential unless there is concern for the well being of either yourself, your child/children or another person.  

You can contact me by texting or calling me on 07565175721, by emailing me at:  

Yours sincerely

Sarah Maiden

Family Support Adviser

Service Family Support

I'm delighted to announce that we are now running our "KIT" (Keeping in Touch) clubs inside again.  These are run on a Tuesday lunchtime and they are in the form of a drop in for service children in years 1-6.  After the drop in sessions, the service children in Foundation Stage are collected class by class to have their own KIT Club in my room.

FFUN Club!

I run after school clubs for service families and these are called "FFUN" (Forces Families United) clubs.  These are held at the Crownhill Family Centre which is a short 10 minute walk from the school.  The get togethers are a great way to meet other service parents.  Refreshments are provided, as are snacks for the children and an art activity

Service Family Christmas Party

Crownhill Family Centre

We welcome our service families to our annual Christmas party.  There are refreshments, a party tea for the children, Christmas art activities and of course a children's entertainer!


Useful Resources

If you need more help, please contact us for more information.

Get in touch via our contact page

Do you need something else?

If there’s something else you need to know or would like to discuss, please let us know and we’d be glad to help.

Get in touch