Achieving our best together

nurturing well-rounded individuals to empower every child's growth and success.

School vision

At Widey Court, we develop well-rounded children, where learning experiences are constructed through a rich and varied curriculum offer. Our vision is for all children to receive an outstanding education, to receive the very best teaching and support to achieve our best together.

School aims

We enable children to make great progress.We provide equal opportunities for all learners.We engage, motivate and develop curious children.We create responsible citizens.We educate and empower children to develop a healthy and happy lifestyle through body and mind.


We aspire for all children to achieve their personal best. To be committed to furthering their knowledge, skills and understanding in preparation for their future lives as global citizens.



We aspire for all children to use creativity in all aspects of their learning. To feel confident to take risks and learn positively from their mistakes.



We aspire for all children to show determination and have an unwavering desire to learn new things; to have enquiring minds, to be excited and engaged and develop positive learning habits for life.



We aspire for all children to show kindness to our whole school community, to treat others as they wish to be treated and to consider the mental health and wellbeing for all.



We aspire for all children to respect themselves, each other, the whole school community and to make the most of the opportunities open to them.



We aspire for all children to take responsibility for themselves and their actions. To take responsibility for each other and all material objects from school and from home.



We aspire for all children to use teamwork and to support each other in everything they do, helping each other with tasks and building each other up.

Do you need something else?

If there’s something else you need to know or would like to discuss, please let us know and we’d be glad to help.

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