About this year group
Mrs Pomeroy
Indoor PE on Tuesday
Outdoor Games on Thursday
Mr Gribble - Monday & Tuesday (Assistant Head/Phase Leader)
Mrs Carney - Wednesday to Friday
rgribble@wideycourt.plymouth.sch.uk gcarney@wideycourt.plymouth.sch.uk
Indoor PE on Tuesday
Outdoor Games on Monday
Vixen Tor
Mrs Bemister - Monday to Thursday (Year Leader)
Mrs Llewellyn - Friday (Deputy Head)
Indoor PE on Tuesday
Outdoor Games on Thursday
Please see the Year 5 Welcome Letter (the link is on this page)
General messages, photos and information will be shared via Class Dojo
Please contact the class teacher via email if you are looking for help
Thank you!
Meet the team
Mrs J Keach
Mrs S Bridges
Mrs S Lambourne
Mrs P Pomeroy
Mr R Gribble
Mrs G Carney
Mrs C Bemister
Mrs J Llewellyn
Mr S Tall